Pasting images into fantasy grounds ii
Pasting images into fantasy grounds ii

pasting images into fantasy grounds ii

If you don't feel like you need to use tab to move between them, you can just remove all the tabtarget entries. If you did remove the "bonuses" and "damages" column, don't forget to change the "tabtarget" of each ability, so they don't point to bonuses that no longer exist. Go down to the "offset" tag in the "strength" section a few lines down. Luckily we can get by, by just moving the start of the text up a bit inside the panel. Change the bounds line to "15,90,160,200".Īdding more vertical space is a bit more complicated, since we would need to resize all the panels further down. Now go to the genericcontrol at the start of the "Abilities" section, around row 203. Just delete all the abliliydamage and abilitybouns entries + the associated stringcontrols. Do a bit of cleaning up in the _main.xml file.Ĭharsheet_main.xml. Make sure our new ability fits into the panel.Ĥ. Remove the "bonus" and "damage" columns from the ability panel.ģ. Now that we have added a new ability, the main character sheet page needs some cleaning up.ġ. Since we are building a new ruleset we won't have to worry about that. It's for importing characters and databases from older versions of FG. No, we are actually not changing anything here. Any new characters will only get your new skills, though.Ĭharsheet_a. Note that if you have any "test" characters to try things out on, they will not lose their old d20 skills. Just put in your own skills instead here. Check the available d20 skills, to see what I mean. You can also set flags for stuff like sublists.

pasting images into fantasy grounds ii

No one will be able to change the skills, or the abilities they are based on, if you list them here.

pasting images into fantasy grounds ii

It hardcodes all skills that everyone will have. One that can bring new blood to the fold and allow us to share our passion for the genre with others who may be afraid to dip a toe in the waters of conflict simulations.Charsheet_a-Īt the end of this file you will find the "skilldata" section. „This is a gateway wargame and quite an addictive one I must add. „Short and sweet, and I was feeling pretty good about the win.“ „This is a game that is meant to be quick, simple, and fun, and it succeeds in checking all of those boxes.“ Module Eastfront with 19 Scenarios and 3 Campaigns (Stalingrad consists of 5 Scenarios 18 Turns each on an evolving unique Stalingrad Map). Module Westfront with 19 Scenarios and 4 Campaigns (‘Operation Jake’ is a shorter introductory Campaign with 2 Scenarios on a single Map A). If you’ve been looking for a simple game to try your leadership abilities, or perhaps something light to introduce young commanders and tacticians to war gaming, Tank on Tank Digital is the answer. Tank on Tank Digital is a light tactical game depicting ground combat in World War II that can be learned in a few minutes. Units in the game include Shermans, Pershings, Wolverines, T-34s, KV/85s, KV-1s, Tigers, Panthers, Panzer MkIVs, Puma and M-8 scout cars, AT-guns, fixed and mobile artillery, armored infantry, mounted and unmounted infantry.Įxperience the tactical flavor of World War II tank battles like never before. There are rules for improved positions, armored infantry, airstrikes, mounted units, artillery, HQ orders, and more. Send armored infantry against anti-tank guns and artillery positions, protect valuable convoys, and lead all-out assaults. Command Panthers and Tigers against T-34s and KV/85s in Russia, or against Shermans and Pershings in Europe. Fight battles and campaigns on both Eastern and Western fronts.


Tank on Tank Digital brings the excitement of Peter Bogdasarian’s Tank on Tank series to the PC.

pasting images into fantasy grounds ii

Tank on Tank Digital is a board game, many wargamers will know, transferred into a computer game, with 38 different scenarios in 2 modules, and some longer campaigns.


Order Tank on Tank for Windows and Mac online at: Released: December 2016 on Lock ‘n Load Publishing and May 2017 on Steam!

Pasting images into fantasy grounds ii